Monday, February 1, 2010

Woah Paris!

Okay, so since the Bastille, I have done so much!!  I finally got a photo of my beautiful French girl, Héléne, I happened to find another person from Minneapolis in the Metro, I found some sexy cars to post for Justin (shout out, heeey), and oh so many other things!  Let me get right to business. 

The other day on the street, I saw this fab poncho walking around in front of me, and it made me miss mine!  I have a great one from my grandma from mexico, but I didn't bring my other one!  Anyway, I lucked out and got this picture!  isn't it so mignon (cute)?  I absolutely love it!  Not to mention the hat, boots and adorable hand wear, right?

 The super stylish girl just below this, is the other Minneapolitan!  She told me her name, but I forgot it!!  If you read this, please tell me, in case we run into one another again.  Anyway, Such great style!  Check that sweater/ceinture (belt) combo.  So good, and of course the matching parapluie (umbrella), and the signature french truc (thing), a scarf.  The perfect Parisian outfit.  No wonder I thought she was french!
Now, I give you a photo of fabulous Héléne!  She is so cute, she looks so french and so fab everyday!  Avec (with) her Hermes scarf and supercute manteau (coat), how could she not be French?!

Justin, The next few pics are for you.  The first is a cab, of the Mercedes-Benz persuasion, the second is a super sexy Audi, the likes of which can be found all over France, and the third is just awesome.  When I took the picture of the Porsche, the man driving it smiled, just for you!

I found This next woman on the metro aussi (also), and i wish I could have gotten her awesome nike's in the pic, but oh well, c'est pas grave (i'ts not a big deal).  She is dressed very American, but it works, because she is French, and everything is French is phenomenal.  The only thing I have a problem with is the hat.  Hello, it's not snowing!  Why would you wear a hat, but no gloves.  Silly silly silly, But I do love the jacket de cuir (leather).  It is such a great color, am I right?

It seems to me that everyone here wears boots that lace up the back, therefore, I need a pair.  This is the last week of the soldes (bi-annual government mandated sales), donc (so), I need to get them this week.  Duur.

okay, I know I promised bangin fashion, but I also promised BAD fashion, and I finally got some!  It's harder to find here than you would think!  You know how in the US, the goth look is not cute?  well it's not cute in France either.  See for yourself!  This chick has those hair extensions that my 8 or 9 year old neighbor has!  Hello, how old are you?  Also, why do you want fire engine red hair that looks like plastic?  Je ne le comprends pas (I don't understand it).

The next one is another pic of BAD fashion!  The coat has the potential to be cute, becasue we all know how much I love leopard print, but not the way this chick is rockin' it.  Her baggy pants tucked into her short (ugly à mon avis [in my opinion]) boots, and the fact that her jacket is obviously way too big are the reasons I consider this look a don't.  Que pensez-vous (what do y'all think)?

Aujourd'hui (Today), Héléne took us to the "new" part of Paris, i.e. the buildings are modern and there is a lot of graffiti.  We also, stumbled upon a skate park, and naturally I took some pics of the graffiti for my brother, so Cody, you better be following this!!
This dernière (last) photo is more for myself and my girls, but its still at the skate park, it just focuses less on the graffiti and more on the sk8er boyz.  Duh.  I yelled "sourire!" (smile), and they definitely complied to my request.  oh la la les garçons français!

À bientôt!

Love from Paris,


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